Sunday, January 29, 2012

RS Presidency Update

As a final act, I welcome Robyn Olson as RS President, Cody Alkema as 1st Counselor/Education, Anna May as 2nd Counselor/Enrichment/Activities and Stefanie Seals as Secretary.  They are beautiful, amazing, compassionate and wise women who will bless this ward and the wonderful sisters in it.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas to all

We testify that Christmas is about the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  We celebrate because of His gift of coming to earth for us. We are thankful for all that we have been given which is much more than anything we could ever repay.  We hope you treasure this gift.

Merry Christmas

Sunday, December 4, 2011

RS December Happenings

Dear Sisters,
What a blessed time of year we are in.  I am thankful it is December and we are reminded to celebrate the Birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.  One of the many gifts our Heavenly Father has given us. It is also a very busy time, but I hope you can take a moment to reflect on the gift of our Savior Jesus Christ and how much our Heavenly Father loves us.
Our wonderful Robyn Olson taught the lesson in RS this morning and addressed this love by sharing this talk from Elder M. Russell Ballard,
God's Love for His Children.  She taught about the delicacies of nature and how detailed it is and how Heavenly Father created this beautiful world for us. We reflected on some of the beauty we have been able to see ourselves.  She taught about the vastness of the space and the universe and the perfect placement of this earth among all this for us to live here.  She taught about the power of prayer and our communication with Heavenly Father and He is mindful of us, even down to the little insignificant things like lost contacts but He answers prayers and contacts are found.  We reflected on some of our own personal prayers that were only important to us, but He still answered them.  She taught us about how we are each different, but precious to Him.  "For behold, this is my work and my glory - to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." Moses 1:39.  She taught us how He sent His firstborn son to live and die and be resurrected for us. A gift that we can never repay Him for, but with our love and obedience.  How blessed we are!  We give gifts each December 25 in celebration of Christmas, but I pray we remember the gift of the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.
While we are blessed to give of ourselves this December perhaps you would remember those you visit teach and share a little more of your and your Heavenly Father's love with them.  And perhaps you even have more time and love to give to a few others.  Bishop Morrison has given me some names that could use a little extra cheer and remembrance, if you would like to help and share in this opportunity you can give me a call or email me and ask for 1 or 2 of these names to give a plate of cookies or a poinsettia or sing Christmas Carols to, or anything else you feel inspired to do. 
We have a family in the ward that their gas oven has stopped working and if you know someone who could help with this repair please let me know.  I personally am looking for a high chair to borrow for 2 weeks from Dec. 18 through Jan. 3.  If you have a spare that is not being used I would love to borrow it while my granddaughter is here to visit for Christmas.
RS has 2 wonderful activities coming up that would be very enjoyable to participate in:
Dec. 13 - 11:30 am, our Christmas Luncheon on Base.  We will be providing chili and cornbread and we hope you will bring your favorite Christmas cookie to exchange with each other.  This will be at Wendy Sherrill's home, 121 Chunchon Dr., Oceanside.  We can meet in the home and outside green area if the weather permits.  Those coming from Fallbrook, we will meet at the Albertson's parking lot at 11:15.
Dec. 15 - 6:30 pm, our traditional RS Progressive Christmas Dinner.  We will meet at the church to carpool - salad at Debbie Sandstrom's home, main main at Nancy Wilson's home and dessert at Sandy Hofmann's home.  If you have a favorite dessert, please bring it to share. Hopefully your wonderful husbands will be available to play with the kiddos while you enjoy this evening out with your RS sisters.
And the ward's annual family Christmas Party is Dec. 10 at 6 pm.  There will be a delicious dinner provided and a sweet program.  And just in case you have not baked enough we are asking you to bring a dessert to share - this would be one that is a finger food; such as cookies, brownies or Christmas candy. 
A full month to enjoy with each other and reflect on how blessed we are!
We love you and Merry Christmas.
Ellen Garrett 760-731-6256
Robyn Olson
Anna May
Stefanie Seals

Thursday, November 10, 2011

November RS News

 Fallbrook 2ND  Ward  RS  Newsletter

November  Lessons

11/6  “Promises and Blessings of the Book Of Mormon” By Ellen

11/13 The Second Coming By Joanne

11/20  The Millennium By Amy

11/27 The Power of Scripture by Geri

December Lessons

12/4 Lesson By Robyn

12/11 The Final Judgment by Joanne

12/18  Exaltation by Amy

12/25 Sacrament Only @ 1130

Chocolate Drizzled Trail Mix
3 cups of nuts (peanuts, almonds and pecans)
½ cup of sunflower seeds
½ cup of coconut flakes
1 cup of raisins
½ cup of dried cranberries
1 cup of choc chips
1. Mix together nuts, seeds, coconut flakes, raisins, and cranberries together
2. Spread on a baking sheet lined with wax paper
3. Melt choc chips in microwave and drizzle over mixture, stir to coat, once the choc cools break apart and serve


11/10  Luncheon on Base @ 11:30 Thanksgiving and Comfort Food

11/12 Military Members Party at the Watsons @ 4:30

11/15 YW/YM Seniors Dinner @ 5:00

11/16  Kraft Klub @ 7pm- Bring your unfinished projects

11/18  Ward Temple Night @ 6:30 endowment session

11/19 Elders Quorum Party @ 6:30
Pie Night @ May’s home

11/23 & 11/24 Temple Closed

11/30 RS activity Christmas Decorations at Wendy Sherill’s Home 6:30


12/4  First Presidency Christmas Devotional

12/13 Luncheon on Base @ 11:30- Cookie Exchange- lunch is provided
(note-new date on the 2nd Tuesday)

12/10  Ward Christmas Party @6:00

12/15 RS progressive Dinner @ 6:30

12/16  Ward Temple Night @ 6:30 endowment Session

12/25 &12/31 Temple Closed


11/1    Karen Griffin
11/2    Kendra Martin
11/8    Margie Bassler
11/11  Denise Purkey
            Amanda Morgan
11/15  Florice Martin
11/26  Donna Buntin
11/27  Stephanie Lowell
11/29  Dana Perkins

Twenty Years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do then by the things that you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover

- Mark Twain

Saturday, November 5, 2011

A joyful day at the San Diego Temple

What a blessed event we spent together doing baptisms for the dead together.
  It was a beautiful day with beautiful people in service and love. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Forget me not

1. Forget not to be patience with yourself
2. Forget not the difference between a good sacrifice and a foolish sacrifice
3.Forget not to be happy NOW
4. Forget not the "Why" of the gospel
5. Forget not that the LORD LOVES YOU!